How to play and mining on a bitcoin-producing site

Hello friend, nickel seekers and nickel hunters, thank you for your time and visit on a blog about cryptocurrency, in this article the admin will discuss eobot sites and how to play and mining on eobot sites.

Previously, let us know in advance what is a mining site and what is an eobot site, mining in English means mining, and in the world of crypto mining is used to mine cryptocurrency digital currencies such as bitcoin ethereum litecoin dogecoin ripple stellar lumens xlm dashcoin monero and currency other crypto.

And how to play on the eobot mining site, let's look together, first you have to register on the eobot site, the site address is, register via gmail and don't forget to confirm the incoming email in the incoming message to confirm registration.

After successfully registering, the next step is to complete your account profile on the eobot site such as full name and other profile data in full. If the account profile is complete, the next step is to go to the homepage of the main eobot site.

And on the homepage of the eobot site you select the column in the top left corner where in that column there are various digital crypto currency options such as bitcoin litecoin ethereum dogecoin and other crypto, after that you choose which one you want to mine or mining.

We take for example, if you select bitcoin, then the bitcoin you will be mining or mining. And in the next step you click on the top column of the eobot homepage that says product and search for faucet writing, then you click on faucet.

If it will appear to the faucet page on the eobot site, now this faucet functions to claim or collect or take our crypto currency for free, because we choose bitcoin then we will get satoshi, and the way to claim it is buddy at the bottom of the faucet page, friend fill captcha that appears usually captcha in the form of text or images and we fill in accordance with the writing or image that appears.

Then from the results of filling in the captcha we will get satoshi bitcoin, where satoshi is a number of bitcoin, and we can only claim for 1 day only, so do the faucet claim routinely every day. It's up to my friend to claim how many days may be 1 week or more, and the results of the faucet claim will be collected satoshi.

From the results of the claim for example after 1 week of claim then we can buy or rather rent cloud mining on the eobot site, for example we have 5000 satoshi then we can rent cloud mining ghs SA256 if I'm not mistaken ghs sa256 and select the admin contract suggest a 10 year contract or 10 years rental contract.

However, this method will take a long time to mine because our satoshi capital is only small, so the admin recommends to make a deposit to the eobot site, and you are free to make deposits for any crypto currency as you like, you can bitcoin, can litecoin ethereum or dogecoin or other crypto .

So the conclusion is that if we have a large capital of ghsSA256 cloud mining leases will be even greater to mine crypto currency, if the capital is small then the daily and monthly profits are certainly very small, if my friend is still confused the admin recommends seeing the eobot tutorial on YouTube, because there are already many YouTubers who share and share info about crypto.

Well maybe that's all the description and discussion of the eobot site, remember if you want to deposit to the site use free funds, which means not personal funds or kitchen funds, free funds I mean the funds we get from free proceeds. Thank you very much for the seekers of change and senusantara dime hunters, greetings to profit to you all good luck always.